About Us

Prince Albert Dentists

Northern Sky Dental is a dental clinic in Prince Albert, SK, whose name was inspired by northern Saskatchewan’s giant sky.  It is owned and operated by a husand and wife team, Dr. Michael Wong and Dr. Patricia Zabala.   Together, they offer  family dental care in a relaxed and friendly environment.  They are proud to be dentists in Prince Albert, as it allows them to provide much needed dental treatment in Prince Albert to people from all over Northern Saskatchewan.  Our team strives to change lives one smile at a time.  Whether it is getting you out of pain or improving the appearance of your smile, the team of friendly dentists in Prince Albert can help people from all ages and walks of life. 

Dr. Wong and Dr. Zabala also travel to Wollaston Lake, SK once a month for about a week to provide much needed dental treatment to the isolated community.

At Northern Sky Dental, we believe that the best care is provided through a foundation of respect and trust.  We enjoy getting to know our patients and treating them as if they were our own family

Dr. Patricia Zabala

Dr. Zabala is proud to be a dentist in Prince Albert.  She grew up in Sydney, Australia.  Her childhood was filled with countless trips to the beach and enjoying ice cream to help keep her cool.  Little did she know, but her ice cream habit was causing cavities on her teeth.  

It was not until she visited her childhood dentist that she was made aware that her favourite food was ruining her teeth and that she needed numerous fillings.  This sparked her interest in dentistry, as she wanted to help people the same way that her dentist had helped her.  

A few years later, she got braces, and very quickly saw how a nice smile could improve her self confidence.  This solidified her interest in becoming a dentist.

In 2010, Dr. Zabala obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Occupational Therapy, and in 2015 graduated from the Doctor of Dental Surgery program at The University of Melbourne.  It was here that she met her now husband Dr. Michael Wong.

After dental school, Dr. Zabala worked as a dentist in various locations in Australia until she and her husband relocated to Canada.  They have been in Prince Albert since March 2019. 

Dr. Michael Wong

Dr. Wong is a dentist in Prince Albert.  He was born and raised in the heart of downtown Toronto.  His mother worked in a chocolate factory, so there was no shortage of chocolate in his house.  This led to numerous dental visits, which ignited his interest in dentistry at a young age.

He holds a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacology from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.  His interest in dentistry took him to Melbourne, Australia, where he completed his dental training at The University of Melbourne.   This is also where he met his now wife, Dr. Zabala.

Dr. Wong worked at a couple of locations in rural Australia before realizing that he was not fit for the Australian heat.  His decision to move back to Canada with Dr. Zabala brought them to Prince Albert in March 2019.